The Impact of Grief

There are two sources of grief in the workplace - personal tragedy and workplace burnout.

Sobering Facts

  • 1 in 4 people are grieving every day due to a personal tragedy in their lives
  • $100 Billion - lost productivity annually due to personal grief
  • $190 Billion - in additional healthcare costs attributable to workplace burnout
  • 60% - grieving/burned-out employees are 60% more likely to take sick days
  • 550 Million - the number of annual sick days taken
  • 2 1/2 Times - grieving/burned-out employees are 2 1/2 times more likely to leave an organization
  • 67% - the percent of employees who are either not engaged or actively disengaged while at work


2003 study conducted by The Grief Recovery Institute

Forbes Magazine article on workplace burnout:

Best Employee Survey: